Fund an Event at Crescent Cove
Help us make every day the "Best Day Ever" for a child or family at Crescent Cove.

Help us purchase supplies needed to make every day a special day
In order to make every day the "Best Day Ever" for children and families who stay at Crescent Cove, we embrace every occasion as a reason to celebrate. From birthday celebrations to kindergarten graduations, to large events in which we welcome bereaved or current families to come together, events are a key piece of making moments count at Crescent Cove.
- Your gift of $100 can fund a special day for a child at Crescent Cove. While we work to make every day the "Best Day Ever," some days are more special than others! It costs approximately $100 to throw a graduation ceremony, birthday party, or other special occasions.
- Your gift of $250 will help us purchase books, resources, and legacy gifts for families after the loss of a child.
- A donation of $1,200 funds a Family Event Day, such as our Spring Fling event, Back to School event or Remembrance Day. These events give families the opportunity to connect with each other and with our caring staff. Each $1,200 purchase can provide all the supplies needed for one of these special days, including games and activities for kids and families, food and beverages, and give-a-ways.
- Sponsor this year's Sibling Camp with your $5,000 donation and you will put smiles of dozens of faces! Our Sibling Camp is one of the highlights of the summer, when we host the siblings of current and former Crescent Cove kids at our Home. Each child recieves a t-shirt, a customized welcome care package, and are treated to three days and two nights of fun and activities.
Your gift in this area will go toward the funding of these celebrations, to help our children feel embraced, assured and celebrated.