Charles Swanson's Fundraiser

Support the Kids & Families of Crescent Cove
Help me reach my fundraising goal!
Join me in supporting the kids & families served by Crescent Cove at the first and only Respite & Hospice Home for Kids in the Midwest. Your support provides respite care for families raising children with a shortened life expectancy, and sacred end-of-life care for children, all at no cost in a joyful and vibrant home-away-from-home where moments are embraced and celebrated.
I have been volunteering at Crescent Cove for a little under a year. I learned about this Home through my good friend, Ted Bowman, who is a grief counselor and supporter of Crescent Cove. While I know I am making a difference by helping to keep the house clean and sanitary for kids and families, I wanted to do more to help support the kids who come to Crescent Cove.
I've been a lifelong swimmer and decided to challenge myself. I will be swimming the "Point to La Pointe" event on August 5, 2023. This is an endurance event in which swimmers start off from Bayfield, WI, and swim 2.1 miles of the open waters of Lake Superior to Madeline Island. As you can imagine, the water is chilly, even in August! I will be training in a pool until it warms up enough for me to start training outside. Of course, the weather plays a big role in how well the swim goes!
Your donation of any amount will help me reach my fundraising goal. Thank you for your support!